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Better data for better policy making: unveiling the new Building Stock Observatory and delving into BuiltHub insights


The final agreement on the Buildings Directive and its impending integration into national policies marks a pivotal moment for the enhancement of energy efficiency across the EU. Recent conversations within the BuiltHub project with local decision-makers have revealed a unanimous recognition of the critical need for robust data to direct energy efficiency measures effectively. Join […]

Energy Cities: Fossil-free heating and cooling workshop

Fossil-free heating and cooling workshop which aims to enhance the contribution of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) to accelerate the EU’s transition to carbon neutrality by better engaging SSH researchers with stakeholders across research, policy, and business.

EEB 50th Anniversary Conference 2024

This year, EEB’s annual conference will take place in Brussels as a hybrid event on Monday 13 May 2024. The conference will also be the occasion to celebrate EEB’s 50th Anniversary.

REPowerEU plan: focus on heating and cooling

The LIFE REPowerEU platform meeting will take place on 14 and 15 May, gathering EU funded projects to share best practices, innovative solutions and lessons learnt.

Power-to-heat – how can it decarbonise district heating?


Decarbonising the heating and cooling sector is central to achieving the energy transition. This is recognised in the European Green Deal and the ‘Fit for 55’ package, as without increasing the share of renewables in this sector, our energy and climate targets cannot be achieved cost-effectively. Within the heating sector, district heating is proving particularly […]

The IEA’s 9th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency

The IEA's 9th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency will bring together global leaders in government, business and civil society – from across every continent – to accelerate policy action on energy efficiency. The 9th Global Conference is co-hosted by IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol and Kenya’s Minister of Energy and Petroleum Davis Chirchir, and […]

What’s EUp ? Recent EU legislation update on buildings decarbonisation

The clock is ticking before the next European elections and the first quarter of 2024 was an incredibly busy period for the European institutions…and for Energy Cities policy team! Join us to learn from the most recent legislative developments for the building sector. Our policy team will discuss the revised Energy Performance of Building Directive, […]

Next generation energy performance certificates

Brussels and online

The four Horizon 2020 funded projects crossCert, EPC RECAST, EUB SuperHub and iBRoad2EPC, each unique with its own perspective on the issue of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), will present their insights and outcomes and discuss with their peers during four sessions as follows:

Building a sustainable future – the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive


The European Commission identifies buildings in the EU as the primary energy consumer, accounting for 40% of our energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions. In December 2021, the European Commission adopted a legislative proposal to revise the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, as part of the so-called ‘Fit for 55’ package. In March, […]

EUSEW: District heating and cooling: the neighbourly way to climate neutrality

The session aims to shed light on success stories from cities and municipalities across Europe, which have deployed or modernised district heating and cooling networks, to accelerate their heating and cooling transition and phase out fossil fuels. Drawing from relevant EU projects like the Celsius initiative, the session will showcase examples of successful transitions. Furthermore, […]

Decarbonising district heating and cooling – joint policy roundtable (EUSEW Webinar)


Heating and cooling accounts for around half of the energy consumed in the European Union. Despite significant measures to reduce demand, residential, tertiary and industrial buildings still need heat and cold. Greater flexibility through energy system integration and the deployment of renewables and waste heat in District Heating and Cooling (DHC) networks will contribute to […]

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