April 30 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
In context of the recently approved EPBD, the Renocally project will organise a webinar to understand the implications of this legislation for local authorities in countries like Romania, Bulgaria and Slovakia. Particular focus will be given to topics such as financing and building renovation passports.
In March 2024 the European Parliament adopted the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) recast. The EPBD recast is the flagship legislation to decarbonise European buildings towards 2050.
In Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), local authorities face budgetary, technical knowledge, and administrative challenges to renovate buildings. Achieving the objectives of the EPBD recast will therefore have specific implications for local authorities in those countries. At the same time, the EPBD presents opportunities for local policymakers to take a leading role in the transformation of the building stock.
In this webinar, the Renocally project partners will provide insights on relevant EPBD provisions for local authorities. Besides a general overview on the EPBD, presentations will focus on how local authorities could benefit from building renovation passports (BRPs), a promising policy instrument included in the updated legislation. First-hand experience will be shared from local authorities from Romania, Bulgaria and Slovakia, that developed BRPs as part of this project.
Presentations will be in English, but there will be simultaneous translation in Bulgarian, Romanian, and Slovak for local authorities and other interested stakeholders in Renocally’s target countries.