Strategic Energy Technology Plan: Scaling up research, innovation and competitiveness in clean energy technologies

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November 14, 2024 @ 8:00 am November 15, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

The 18th SET Plan Conference is a high-level conference organised under the patronage of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU in cooperation with the Commission. 

The event will provide a platform for policymakers, researchers and industry stakeholders in energy sector to establish connections and expand collaborations aimed at developing and demonstrating innovative cleantech energy solutions, while accelerating their deployment.

This year’s theme, Scaling up research, innovation and competitiveness in clean energy technologies, highlights the need to reinforce the research and innovation landscape, to enhance competitiveness and sovereignty of clean energy technology value chains within the EU. 

The main goals of the conference are

  1. Gathering the most promising results of energy R&I.
  2. Enhancing cooperation and synergies between national and European policies.
  3. Facilitating collaboration within energy R&I.


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