55th International HVAC and R Congress and Exhibition

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December 11, 2024 @ 8:00 am December 13, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

The International Congress and Exhibition on KGH is a regular annual meeting with a long tradition of bringing together experts, engineers, researchers, equipment manufacturers and other professionals from the Republic of Serbia and the world who are involved in energy systems in buildings, cities and industry, and above all – in sector of heating, cooling and air conditioning.

During the Congress and Exhibition, participants have the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest technologies, innovations and directions of development in the field of thermotechnics, as well as to network and exchange knowledge and experience with experts in the HVAC&R sector. Some of the most current topics that will be discussed are the use of systems with renewable energy sources in highly efficient buildings in order to achieve nZEB and ZEB, renovation of existing buildings, with special attention devoted to increasing energy efficiency, protection of the living and working environment, economic impact and sustainability.


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